Everyone tries to make their brain sharper, smarter, and faster.
It’s a great gift from the God
Your brain is a wonderful organ. It has more connections than there are stars in the universe. If you implement the strategies below here, you are on your way to making use of this limitless power between your ears. Here are some tips to improve your brain sharper, smarter, and lightning faster
,Work your memory
Memory is the most important part of a smarter and faster brain. For students, whatever you read during the day, make sure you read it immediately at night before sleep. This is because; the brain consolidates all of this new information during rest. This allows the brain to store the things you read before sleeping in its limbic area. Memory can also be developed through sights, sounds, touch, and smells. Our sense organs are connected intricately to the brain’s limbic area. So any particular sound (songs) or smells (aromas of cooking, the fragrance of perfumes or essential oils, etc) can transform you into a different time and place. Many students actually learn faster while diffusing certain aroma-therapeutic oils (lemon balm, sage, rosemary, etc) while learning. This helps in concentration and associating whatever it is they read so that they can recall it again during exam time.
Make associations
Your brain helps you memorize and recall things by using 3 concepts – associations, imagination, and location. So, if you wish to remember the 5 Great Lakes, you can use the acronym HOMES to remember Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior.
Make goals
Make achievable goals; they need not be huge ones. The important thing is to try and do a bit every day. Just keep at it and your job every day is to ensure not breaking the habit.
Eat foods that boost brain power
The best foods for the brain are omega 3 fish oil, proteins, B complex, Curcumin, Ginseng, and Gingko Biloba. Take these supplements under the guidance of your doctor. Avoid coffee and tea. Choose foods with Low GI such as cereals, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc.
Think positive, stay happy and Avoid Stress
People who think positive are naturally more creative and their brain is also more receptive to ideas making it sharper and smarter.
People who meditate are likelier to have a sharper, smarter brain according to this study. Practice 15 minutes of mindfulness every day. There are different ways to do so: breath in and out, chant a mantra or stare at a candle in a quiet room. Many CDs and audiotapes of guided meditation are also available. Listening to these days can improve focus and concentration, making your brain sharper.
Play brain games
Top brain games include chess, crossword puzzles, word searches, math puzzles, etc. Play these daily with your kids/friends.
Do mental math
Instead of whipping out the calculator, do a little mental math while you are at the grocery store. Try and total up the amount for items purchased. These simple tips can keep your brain sharper.
Read every day
Reading can do amazing things for your mind and brain. According to a study at the Carnegie Mellon University, the brain actually gets rewired when you read because you tend to live the experience of whatever it is you are reading. If you can read a bit every day in a foreign language, it is even better.
Man can be distinguished from other animals because of his ability to laugh. So laugh every day for boosting your brain power.
Sleep well
A tired brain cannot process information and needs at least 8 hours of sleep.
Too much of technology hurts your brain power
Too much of technology is making our brain attention deficit. So slow down, keep your ‘smart’ devices switched off from time to time, and certainly do not check your email before bed.
Slow down
The fast-paced lives we lead and make our kids lead is not good for the brain. Slow down, dig deeper and take a break from time to time.
Avoid multi-tasking
Do one task at a time always. Whatever you do, do it 100%.
Stretch and challenge your brain
Teach your mind to construct deeper level, abstract ideas. For example, when you just attend a meet, try and construct a newspaper-headline describing it.
Live your passion
When you do something you enjoy, the brain’s juices motivate it into becoming stronger and smarter. So invest time in your hobbies.
Brain Actives is a modern food supplement that is the best support for the brain.
Follow these tips to get your brain sharper, smarter, and lightning faster.
Good Luck.
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